Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Questions On Donald Trump s Letter - 1015 Words

In San Jose California letters were written to two mosques expressing what the individuals think Donald Trump will do to Muslims when he is in office. The letters included items such as â€Å"He will do to you what Hitler did to the Jews†, â€Å"You Muslims would be wise to pack your backs†, â€Å"There is a new sheriff in town- President Donald Trump, He is going to cleanse America and make it shine again. And he is going to start with you Muslims.†, All the messages were signed â€Å"Americans for a Better Way†, and The letters were addressed to â€Å"Children of Satan† and â€Å"Vile and Filthy People.† An investigation has been going on but they have not found a culprit behind the letters. What is your first response to the story? - I was appalled by the story and surprised how rude and ignorant people can be towards others. I do not think this was necessary to send hate mail to these mosques because it is not helping anything. They are not going to leave and the people are just making the situation worse for everyone involved, not to mention if they are caught. I think it is striking to think about that out of all the states, California has the biggest Muslim population. The Muslim population however, only makes up roughly 1% of the population in California (University of Southern California, Center for Civic Culture and Religion). b. When and where did the event or controversy occur? - The event occurred in San Jose, California on November 26, 2016. I think it is interesting thatShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of America890 Words   |  4 Pagescitizen opens their doors happily to every ethnicity. Such as Donald Trump and his opinion on the Hispanic culture and society. I am against to the critical and bias opinion of Mr. Trump s presidential campaign towards the Hispanic community. â€Å"[Mexico] are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. 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